Archive for January, 2009


Retrospective of 2008 Wis-Kino films

January 10, 2009


Wisconsin winter duldrums got you down? Never fear, Wis-Kino is here to swoop in with some toe-and-heart-warming film action to help get you through!

That’s right, it’s time for our annual retrospective screening, wherein we take a look back at some of the submitted Wis-Kino films of the past year.

Meet us on Saturday, January 24th starting at 8:00 p.m. for this FREE event, held at the Mercury Lounge (117 E. Mifflin, next to the Bartell Theatre).

Enjoy drinks, food, short films, and the comeraderie of your fellow filmmakers and friends. And get pumped for the upcoming year of Wis-Kino!