Archive for December, 2009


Kabaret Recap: “Misread Signals”

December 4, 2009

Another successful Kabaret as come and gone, and now as we head into a few months of hibernation and organizational regrouping, we here at Wis-Kino wanted to leave you all with a taste of the films made in just 48 hours for this most recent of our events.

First up, it’s “Rake of the Living Dead” by Nicholas Wootton, who put an autumnal spin on the ol’ zombie flick.

If you made a film for this Kabaret and it’s available online, please drop us a line to let us know so we can include it in an upcoming post! And thanks again to everyone who watched and/or participated in Wis-Kino this year. It’s been a blast. Look for lots of important news about next year coming soon.