Archive for March, 2009


Spring Kabaret gets bailed out

March 24, 2009

The Wis-Kino Spring Kabaret ’09 has come and gone, but never fear! If you missed this one, or simply cannot get enough of great, short movie-making, come back and check out our 3 day long Summer Kabaret this July 16 – 19. It’ll be an excellent opportunity to work with more than one crew of people on more than one film, or to spend a little extra time on just one project. We’re also hoping to have an official Kino Lab set up for those people who want a central place to meet and edit, etc. (and if you don’t have your own editing gear).

The Spring Kabaret was a smashing success, though, with a packed house greeting both the kick-off and final screenings of the event! Thanks to everyone who came out just to watch, and especially to those brave souls who made a film in just 48 hours! The following is the list of those shorts screened on Sunday:

Thanks, too, go to the Decider (specifically Scott Gordon) for giving the Kabaret a nice write-up.