Archive for June, 2009


Wis-Kino Summer Kabaret is on its way!

June 25, 2009

Can you feel that? No, not the insufferable humidity, we mean the approach of Wis-Kino’s summer 2009 filmmaking Kabaret! And the reason it feels so amazing is that we’ve expanded the event, for one time only, to run for 72 instead of just 48 hours!

Why? Because Kino is all about collaboration, and we want to give people more time to work on more than one film, with more than one crew. Or heck, just use the extra hours to put a finer polish on your one film. Either way, it’s sure to be a most excellent adventure! (yeah, I said it)

Check out this short film, put together by frequent Kino contributor Roger Bindl, that includes words of wisdom from various Kinoites about the process and why you should join in the fun (plus a really goonie cameo from co-director Emily, who so rudely interrupts someone else’s interview):

Now come on out and play! Details follow:


The Wis-Kino July Kabaret is bigger and better than ever!
Instead of our usual 48-hour affair, we’ve expanded our summer Kabaret to run for 3 days, giving filmmakers more time to work and collaborate on projects. On Thursday, July 16th, we’ll gather at Sundance Cinemas for an open kick-off screening (anyone can bring a short film to show, regardless of theme) at 7:00pm. At the end of the screening, interested filmmakers will pick their “secret ingredient” out of a hat, and then spend the next 72 hours making their movies! Then on Sunday, July 19th, we’ll meet back at Sundance at 7:00pm in one of the big theatres to screen all Kabaret films.

We have a few other surprises in store for this event, so stay tuned! Updates (and rules for submitting films) also available at

What: Wis-Kino’s Summer 72-Hour Kabaret
When: Kick-off screening is Thursday, July 16th at 7:00p.m.; Final screening is Sunday, July 19th at 7:00p.m.
Where: Sundance Cinemas, Hilldale Mall, Madison
Cost: The kick-off screening is free, the Kabaret screening is $5 for everyone (no extra fee for submitting a film)

Summer '09 Kabaret Poster

Summer '09 Kabaret Poster