Posts Tagged ‘screening’


A chill in the air, a Kabaret in the theatre

November 5, 2009

November 09 Kabaret Poster

Ah, autumn, when a young film maker’s fancies turn to thoughts of, what else, making movies! That’s right, the Wis-Kino Fall Kabaret is at hand, and we want YOU to come out and play!

Our open kick-off screening will be on Friday, November 20 at 7:00 p.m. at Sundance Cinema, in the North Lounge. This will be a chance for everyone to come together and watch whatever short film projects people have been working on in the past year, then to find teams to work on films with, and get the secret ingredient for the Kabaret! So if you’ve got a 5 minute long (or less) film you’d like to show, this is the screening to bring it to. It’s free! We just ask that you bring it on DVD (miniDV is acceptable, too) and stick to the time limit. For anyone wishing to show a slightly longer film, please contact us beforehand at to make arrangements for us to pre-screen and approve it.

Then we’ll all meet up again 48 hours later on Sunday, November 22 at 7:00 p.m. for the final Kabaret screening in one of Sundance’s big theatres! See your handiwork on the silver screen. All entries must be submitted by 7pm sharp, or they will not be shown. Sorry, thems the rules.

No matter if you just want to watch, or if you want to get involved but have never made a film before, we hope you’ll come on by! For the former, because it’s good entertainment. For the latter, because there’s always a good chance we can get you hooked up with other film makers who need help.

In the meantime, we urge you to make use of the Wis-Kino forums in order to make contact with other interested parties, make plans, ask questions, etc.

We’ll see you soon!

More information about Kabarets here, and screening rules here.


Wis-Kino Summer Kabaret is on its way!

June 25, 2009

Can you feel that? No, not the insufferable humidity, we mean the approach of Wis-Kino’s summer 2009 filmmaking Kabaret! And the reason it feels so amazing is that we’ve expanded the event, for one time only, to run for 72 instead of just 48 hours!

Why? Because Kino is all about collaboration, and we want to give people more time to work on more than one film, with more than one crew. Or heck, just use the extra hours to put a finer polish on your one film. Either way, it’s sure to be a most excellent adventure! (yeah, I said it)

Check out this short film, put together by frequent Kino contributor Roger Bindl, that includes words of wisdom from various Kinoites about the process and why you should join in the fun (plus a really goonie cameo from co-director Emily, who so rudely interrupts someone else’s interview):

Now come on out and play! Details follow:


The Wis-Kino July Kabaret is bigger and better than ever!
Instead of our usual 48-hour affair, we’ve expanded our summer Kabaret to run for 3 days, giving filmmakers more time to work and collaborate on projects. On Thursday, July 16th, we’ll gather at Sundance Cinemas for an open kick-off screening (anyone can bring a short film to show, regardless of theme) at 7:00pm. At the end of the screening, interested filmmakers will pick their “secret ingredient” out of a hat, and then spend the next 72 hours making their movies! Then on Sunday, July 19th, we’ll meet back at Sundance at 7:00pm in one of the big theatres to screen all Kabaret films.

We have a few other surprises in store for this event, so stay tuned! Updates (and rules for submitting films) also available at

What: Wis-Kino’s Summer 72-Hour Kabaret
When: Kick-off screening is Thursday, July 16th at 7:00p.m.; Final screening is Sunday, July 19th at 7:00p.m.
Where: Sundance Cinemas, Hilldale Mall, Madison
Cost: The kick-off screening is free, the Kabaret screening is $5 for everyone (no extra fee for submitting a film)

Summer '09 Kabaret Poster

Summer '09 Kabaret Poster


Spring Kabaret gets bailed out

March 24, 2009

The Wis-Kino Spring Kabaret ’09 has come and gone, but never fear! If you missed this one, or simply cannot get enough of great, short movie-making, come back and check out our 3 day long Summer Kabaret this July 16 – 19. It’ll be an excellent opportunity to work with more than one crew of people on more than one film, or to spend a little extra time on just one project. We’re also hoping to have an official Kino Lab set up for those people who want a central place to meet and edit, etc. (and if you don’t have your own editing gear).

The Spring Kabaret was a smashing success, though, with a packed house greeting both the kick-off and final screenings of the event! Thanks to everyone who came out just to watch, and especially to those brave souls who made a film in just 48 hours! The following is the list of those shorts screened on Sunday:

Thanks, too, go to the Decider (specifically Scott Gordon) for giving the Kabaret a nice write-up.


Spring Kabaret ’09 wants YOU

February 26, 2009


Wis-Kino kicks off its 2009 season with the first of THREE 48-hour filmmaking Kabarets!
Back after a short winters’ nap, Madison’s own micro-cinema collaborative is gearing up to throw the first of the years’ three Kabarets, 48-hour challenges that provide opportunities for both amateur and professional filmmakers to flex their creative muscles. A kick-off screening will be held on Friday, March 20th at 7:00p.m. in Sundance Cinema’s North Lounge. It’s an open screening, meaning that anyone can bring any short film to show (see guidelines). At the end of the night, we’ll sign up everyone interested in participating in the Kabaret and then announce some sort of secret ingredient, an element that must be included in your film to prove that it was made over the next two days.

We will then reconvene for the final Kabaret screening on Sunday, March 22 at 7:00p.m. in one of Sundance’s theatres to show all of the films made over the weekend. This is a great chance to both challenge yourself to make a film quickly with minimal resources, and to show your work on the big screen!

Anyone can help make a film, regardless of experience or skills. Just show up at the kick-off screening and make it known that you’re looking to help out! If you’re not a director/camera person, teams are often still looking for actors, musicians, boom mic operators, extras, techies, and more.

The Details:
WHAT: Wis-Kino Spring Kabaret ’09
WHEN: Kick-Off Screening on Friday, March 20 at 7:00p.m. – Final Screening on Sunday, March 22 at 7:00p.m.
WHERE: Sundance Cinemas, Hilldale Mall, 430 N. Midvale Blvd, Madison, WI
COST: Kick-Off Screening is just $2, Final Screening is $5 (for everyone, including filmmakers – no extra charge to participate).

Questions? Comments? Drop us a line at


Retrospective of 2008 Wis-Kino films

January 10, 2009


Wisconsin winter duldrums got you down? Never fear, Wis-Kino is here to swoop in with some toe-and-heart-warming film action to help get you through!

That’s right, it’s time for our annual retrospective screening, wherein we take a look back at some of the submitted Wis-Kino films of the past year.

Meet us on Saturday, January 24th starting at 8:00 p.m. for this FREE event, held at the Mercury Lounge (117 E. Mifflin, next to the Bartell Theatre).

Enjoy drinks, food, short films, and the comeraderie of your fellow filmmakers and friends. And get pumped for the upcoming year of Wis-Kino!


Life IS a Kabaret, old chum

November 24, 2008

Greetings all!

This weekend’s Wis-Kino Kabaret was a smashing success! We saw 10 really great films in the plush, lovely Theatre #2 at Sundance, and had just shy of 60 people in attendance. Thanks so much to everyone who participated, and we hope to see you (and hopefully even more folks) in the spring!

And a rundown of the films that were screened (in no particular order):
“Drill, Baby, Drill!” by Rob Matsushita, Nick Drake, and Emily Mills
“Krafty, Kino, Kook” by Roger Bindl
“Mr. Nolen’s Change” by Shaheen Izadi
“Man vs. Wilderness” by Kathy Fischer
“Richard P. Holt” by Justin & Kate Sprecher
“Change” by Tony Mayer & Craig Knitt
“Change Your Order” by Craig Knitt & Tony Mayer
“Clean Up” by RASH Films
“RASH Notes: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by RASH Films
“Fall Back” by Heidi Johnson
“Change” by Eric Allin

Remember: Next year Wis-Kino is all about Kabarets! We’re forgoing the monthly screenings in favor of more organized, more fabulous, more betterer Kabarets – and THREE of them! There is still to be an open screening at each of the kick-offs, so you can still bring in any film projects you’ve been working on. Keep up-to-date on this and other news right here at our new blog! And be sure to use the Wis-Kino forums to share news, tips, and other info with your fellow filmmakers and film enthusiasts.
Next years’ Kabaret dates are:
March 20-22
July 16-19 (three day Kabaret!)
November 20-22
…and they will all be at Sundance Cinema.

We also have the Wis-Kino 2008 Retrospective screening on January 24th at the Mercury Lounge (on E. Mifflin right downtown, next to the Bartell Theatre). Come enjoy this FREE event and watch some of the films that have been shown over the past year.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Wis-Kino Fall 2008 Kabaret!

November 17, 2008

Let’s rock!

The WIS-KINO Fall Kabaret is here! “Do well with nothing; do even better with a little and do it right now!”

Where: Sundance Cinemas, Hilldale Mall, off Midvale & University Ave.

When: The kick-off screening is on Friday, November 21 at 7:00pm in the North Lounge of Sundance. The final Kabaret screening is on Sunday, November 23 at 7:00pm in Sundance’s Theatre #2.

Cost: Kick-off screening = $3. Kabaret screening = $5 for everyone (including film makers – there is no extra fee to participate!)

Contact and more info:,, or Josh @ 608-852-6373

What: Make a film in mere days (or hours) at a Wis-Kino Kabaret. Kabarets are a Kino tradition, and about twice a year, Wis-kino holds a one: you will have 48 hours in which to complete a film that’s under 5 minutes long and that somehow includes the secret ingredient revealed at the opening night screening.

We meet on the first day and have a regular screening full of new Wis-Kino and Kino International films. Filmmakers are free to submit pieces as they would for a regular screening, but there will also be a curated part of the program. At the end of the screening, we reveal the secret ingredient (a theme or object) that everyone must use in their film, in whatever way they wish. Then the crews get together and we make some plans. Two days later we all reconvene to see what everyone came up with. It’s a fantastic challenge, and it’ll expand your filmic horizons!

Come to help make a film, or just come to watch!